The Journey Begins

Welcome to my blog. My name is Janet and I am a senior research scientist studying milk composition, microbes, and genomics of lactation! I have a background (BS & MS degrees) in Animal Science from Oklahoma State University and a PhD in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology from the University of Idaho. I am curious about various aspects of milk composition, e.g. from macronutrients to microbes, and the factors that influence its composition. I utilize both wet-bench techniques and computational methods to better understand how milk composition impacts human and animal health.
I work with Drs. Mark McGuire and Shelley McGuire at the University of Idaho. For the last several years I have sent out an email list of current and/or relevant articles (inspired by Elisabeth Bik’s “Microbiome Digest – Bik’s Picks“) to our lab group. I’ve kept those emails as an archive but I kept thinking there should be a better way to have this information available to folks (instead of having to dig through one’s email) as an article archive for what’s out there, especially in regards to the milk microbiome.
And thus, the inception of this blog or at least my main reason for this blog. If you have found this blog and are also interested in milk research, I hope you find it helpful. It’s definitely a work in progress so bear with me as I work on getting/keeping it up-to-date!
Thanks for joining me!

Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
